For those of you that have read my blog before might remember my entry about the "one word challenge". My one word was Experience. This word has become the filter that I run about every situation through. The goal, to make this year different then any other year.
This brought me to a place where it was time for me to step out of my comfort zone. I have been a licensed Realtor for 6 years and really had not been involved to the point I have wanted to be.
A opportunity came up for me to apply to a leadership program for Texas Realtors. It is a really neat program, that gives the student the tools to become a better leader and person. I was so scared to apply, afraid that I would be not be picked. There were only a few spots available through our local association. I had no idea how many other people were apply or who I was up against, but I was proud of myself for stepping out and applying for it. I received so much support and encouragement from other realtors and my broker. The day came and I received a phone call from the executive of the association and he told me... I did not make it in the program this year. :o( He said they had a lot more applicants than they even expected this year and with only 10 spots available it was a really hard decision. As a consolation prize they did offer me to join the association on a trip to Austin for the Realtors Hill Visit day, with my expenses paid. So this coming Tuesday i will be in Austin for the day and will tour the capital and sit in on the current session... I am so excited for this opportunity. They have encouraged me to apply next year as well. So may have not been the experience I was hoping for, but another experience has come from it.
On March 9th, My little Aggi girl got engaged! Aggi has become the tall little sister that I did not have growing up. lol. She is just so special to me, I am so thankful that God has brought her in my life, she blesses me everyday! So the wedding is going to be September 9th... eek! (one day after our 10 year anniversary), so i have been busy helping her plan her wedding. Let me just tell you how amazing it has been to see how God's hand is moving in this union. Aggi comes from a large family and is the second oldest, with younger ones still at home, so she is paying for the wedding herself. So in the beginning we were looking out what were the more important things to her that the money should be spent on and where could we save. Well let me just tell you with God she is not going to have to settle for anything. To start with, the perfect venue went down on the price and is bending over backwards to make things happen... Thanks Melissa!!!! A good friend paid for her dream dress. A family friend is doing the catering. The photographer that took her senior pictures in high school is doing the wedding for a new flash for her camera. It's just been one blessing after another and it has been awesome to witness it.

Well the other thing in my life right now is an experiment I am doing. Most people that know me, know that I have had stomach issues even before my gallbladder issues. I am starting to feel it is more food oriented more than anything else. Now is just to figure out what it is. After a bad flair up, I felt maybe I might have narrowed it down. I had eaten bread and only bread and was completely miserable. So after that I started researching gluten allergies. A lot of the symptoms I have do line up for a gluten allergy/intolerance, not so much celiac disease ( which is good). For a about 4 days I really struggled with stomach problems. On Thursday morning i was laying in bed trying to convenience myself that I needed to get up and also praying. I started feeling that I was suppose to eliminate gluten from my diet for 40 days. So no I am not doing this for Lent, I do not participate in Lent. This is just something I feel I have to do out of obedience. As much as I love my gluten food, if this is the issue I am at peace with that and it is something I can live with. So far I am 22 days into and really had hoped to see more of a difference but so far I have not. The first week was a challenge figuring out what I could and could not have, so really those first few days should not count because I know gluten was involved. I feel if this does not bring the relief I am looking for then I will look to eliminating something else until I figure it out. So any advice would be appreciated!
Now onto my own episode of Hoarding Buried Alive... Ok not that bad but closer than I wanted to be, but we all know I come by it Naturally. It first started with cleaning out the cabinets in the kitchen, then it lead to getting the home office back to a home office and not just a pile room, then it spread to my work office, then closets and the guest room... HOLY MOLY WHERE DID ALL THIS STUFF COME FROM AND WHY DO I FEEL THE NEED TO HOLD ON TO!?!? So needless to say it has been an emotional journey and bless my husband pea picking heart for still loving me through it all. Let's just say I will be happy to have this garage sale when the weather cooperates.
Now you are up to date on a few things going on in my life, if I updated you on everything that would take to long and you would not read all of it.
"Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you."
Aldous Huxley
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