Can not believe that 2010 is coming to an end. It has been a year that has seemed to fly by and at times seemed to crawl. It was a Dickens type of year... It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Here is my year in review.
On the 17th we headed to San Juan, Puerto Rico for a cruise with our friends Dustin and Alisha and some of her family. The cruise was AWESOME! We went to St. Thomas, Barbados, Dominca, St. Kitts, St. Maarten, and St. Lucia. We saw so many beautiful beaches and historical buildings, loved being able to see so many things in 7 days. Here are some pictures of our trip.
The picture below is of Emily's Bible.

Sadly I don't remember much about these months. Know there was a sinus infection involved.
For Easter weekend we took a little trip to Georgetown and Killeen. We visited philip's great aunt and uncle in Georgetown, then went to visit Chris and Steph in Killeen. We had a great time visiting with our family and friends. Philip got to play golf and I was able to shop... goodtimes.
Coming home from our trip my stomach was not feeling very well and just figured it was from eating irregular and dismissed it until the next day. For the next four days I was sick and finally went to the doctor. The doctor sent me to the GI Doc and though test, scopes, and sonogram it was determined that my gallbladder had to go. The 16th I underwent my first ever surgery and had my gallbladder removed.
We had multiple birthdays and graduations to celebrate.
The month of multiple weddings and celebrations. Also my friends Alisha and Dustin gave birth to their sweet angel Kyndall. Kyndall was 8 weeks early when she made her arrival June 22nd.
Alisha had been on bed rest in the hospital prior to Kyndall's arrival. We had even moved her baby shower from it's original location to the hospital because they would not allow her to leave.
I had another hiccup in my health with a stomach bug and kidney infection.
We went to San Angelo to see Chris and Steph and to celebrate their daughter Kenzie's birthday before her baby brother arrived. We arrived home to a very flooded Lubbock for the 4th of July.
Work was crazy trying to get the student population moved out and moved in before the fall semester began. I had also continued to have problems with my stomach. I went back to the doctor and they prescribed a medicine to help with the symptoms.
The month concluded with Chris and Steph having their baby boy Jonah arrive on Chris's birthday July 30th. Also me and a group of girls from my office went on our first annual lake trip. One of our vendors and his wife (Phillip and Mindy Wilkins) purchased a lake house at Lake Hubbard Creek. Mindy treated us to a wonderful weekend of great meals, swimming and sea-doos. We had a blast and plan to do it every year!
Ended up being my most productive month ever! The most leases and the most I have ever made... very rewarding when you work a commission based job. For Philip's birthday we went to Houston to see our friend Clint, who just moved there. We had a lot of fun! We went to a concert with Clay Walker and the Band Perry (my fav). We did some shopping and hang out at the lake where philip got to ski and knee board. On the way home we detoured to Killeen so we could meet Jonah.
Philip and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary.
Every September I look forward to doing the "walk with Pride". It is a program put on by the Association of Realtors and the Food Bank. With the help of Payless shoes were are able to give hundreds of shoes to under privileged kids.
My grandparents from South Texas came for a short visit. Love getting to see them no matter the amount of time, which is never long enough.
The middle of the month we flew to Kansas to see Philip's family. We were finally getting to meet our niece Abby! She was getting baptized. We had a great time getting to see the family.
On the plane ride home I started having a few places on my legs that started itching. By the next morning my legs were covered in red itchy bumps. I could not find anything to calm the itch. I called my allergist and they had me come in. I ended up having over 40 ant bites.... and they were driving me crazy!!! So with medicine and oatmeal baths I survived. :o)
We had our annual Halloween party and the theme this year was "scary". I went as a Gothic ballerina and philip went as an IRS man (scary to us HAHA). With our life group from Church we did a dunking booth for the fall festival. The pastors were sport enough to sit in the freezing water to raise money for our building fund.
Bailey our goldendoodle turned 2.
I had also been noticing that my hair was falling out at a faster rate than usual. Figure out that the medicine the Doctors put me on in July for my stomach was the cause and go off of it. Also rounded out the month with a cold... at least it was before my birthday.
November & December
Birthday Month and the month I started blogging. I turned 30 on the 12th and had a great time celebrating with my friends and family.
We did Holiday Happening which is a expo of business where people get to do some Christmas shopping. We had a booth for the Golf store and had a great turn out. Just made for a VERY busy week.
The week of Thanksgiving I found a lump in my lower abdomen and had a horrible UTI infection. 3 doctor visits and 16 days of antibiotics still did not know what was going on. They prescribed another medicine which I have opted not to take and have started taking natural supplements instead. Symptoms have gotten better. The lump they believe is the beginning of a small hernia, which I am suppose to see a surgeon about.
My Grandparents came for a visit after Thanksgiving. It is always nice to spend time with them.
Philip went hunting and camping the two weekends in December. Fun for him and no sleep for me.
Christmas day we had both my family and Philip's family over for dinner. I made lasagna and chicken fettucini for 19 people. We had a great time visiting. Jason and Faith (Emily's husband and daughter) came by for a bit.
Week of Christmas I woke up monday morning with a sore throat. Really just felt like my Immune system was the issue. Really just wanted a steriod and b12 shot.... did not want and did not feel I needed antibiotics. Went to the Doctor who did not give a shot of any kind and gave me Augmentin antibiotic. My main reason for not wanting to take an antibiotic was my stomach. I knew it could not handle it, it had only be 10 days since i had gone off the round for the UTI. I called my allergist to see if they could get me in, and they said they could not. Tuesday folded and started the antibotic... and I was sick by Wednesday morning and went off of it. Friday tried to go to a walk in clinic and they closed at noon, I got there at 12:10. Monday went to see the allergist because they had a cancellation. She starts running tests and sends me to get x-rays. Verdict I have Mono with Chronic Sinusitus. She agrees I do not need and antibotic and the a Kenalog shot with clear up the sinus issue and should help the mono.
I had had my dad give me a B12 shot Christmas Eve and had him give me another yesterday.
Our New Years Plans included pizza, sheridans and sitting on the couch all night. I am trying to rest as much as possible.
So if you are wondering why I have included my health issues in this years look back is because it has been and issue for me. Not just physically but emotionally. I am ready to be healthy! If you are a friend on facebook you have seen my wish for a new Immune System. So here it is I am praying that 2011 will be a healthier year and goal is to do everything possible to achieve that.
Wishing you and yours a very blessed, HEALTHY and Happy New year!